Eddie MachadoAmsterdam, NL

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Let's skip the small talk...

You go through hundreds of portfolios a day, so let's condense all this info into some commonly asked questions so you can find out if I'm a good fit for your role.


Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

I grew up in Miami, United States and traveled quite a bit (Brazil, Panama, Los Angeles, Austin), finally landing in Amsterdam in 2016. I originally came here for work but fell in love with it and have been here ever since.

I started my career as a Front-End Developer eventually transitioning to Design in 2012 or so. I still appreciate the importance of clean, semantic code but my true love is design. However, those skills are really helpful when working with engineers during handoffs and strategy discussions.


What are you looking for in your next role?

I want to feel passionate about my work. Whether it's an app that millions of people use, or a fresh-faced start-up looking to mix things up, I want to work with a team that truly cares about what they are making.

Company culture is very important to me. It should be a place that values the employee's well being and listens to their feedback. Empathy and Values are important. We should all be working to leave things better than how we found them.


Do you have experience leading teams?

I've had the luxury of working with really talented people. During my time at Booking, I worked on the Pricing track leading a team of 4 engineers. I then led a team of 4 designers across the track.

While at Hotjar, I led the Design System team. Helping to manage our backlog, sprint planning, and communication across the company. When I shifted more to product I had 3 designers (Staff, Senior, and Mid-level) who reported to me.


Do you prefer being a manager or IC?

I've always been a maker so early on, I gravitated towards Individual Contribution. As time passes though, I recognize one of my strengths is my communication and how I interact with people. For future roles, I'm open to either and usually defer to the opportunity at hand.

In many cases, responsibilities shift so having experience in both is helpful in adapting to constant change. Ultimately, being a leader and helping teams evolve is the direction I'm looking towards.


What's your salary range?

I can't really put a range here as it's always changing depending on market conditions. What I can say is the kind of work I do is more important than a high salary. If it's a great opportunity with a great team, then I'm always open to listen.


Have you built developer tooling?

During my time at Poki, I helped create a dashboard for game developers who needed to manage their games on our platform. This meant displaying information like revenue, gameplay statistics, optimization opportunities, and SDK integration.

I like working on products for creators because they're usually very engaged in the process.


What about App Design (iOS & Android)?

During my time at Booking, I was primarily focused on our apps. I love designing for apps. Something about the extra constraints helps you focus on the experience and cut out a lot of the noise.

Since I left Booking, I have been more focused on web-based tools, but I would love to get back into the space should the opportunity arise.


What size company are you looking for?

When I joined Booking, there were 24 total designers. When I left, 3 years later, there were about 200+ designers. Going through that level of rapid growth can be challenging, especially when trying to deliver consistent experiences.

Since then, I've worked for small to mid sized companies and while those can allow you to really see your impact on the product, I do miss the access and data that a larger company offers.

I'm not interested in working for Meta (Facebook) or Amazon, but company size isn't a deal breaker for me.


Are you open to relocation?

I've worked remote since 2020 and being in Amsterdam allows me to be around my close friends and family. While most companies are going more towards remote work, I do recognize the benefits on being on-site.

If there's an amazing opportunity in a country that offers a high quality of life, I would be open to relocating.